Thanks Julie for hosting. My twitter hashtag (NOW) @waterrox (used to be @RTobaison). They dropped that one.
I have tweeted and pinned all through #18.
Boy time flies!!!! Happy rest of the Thanksgiving weekend.
Linda on
Time is flying by.
Pinning to and will tweet @lindab142
Catherine on
Thank you, Julie and Harry. Hard to believe there is only one more week left after this one!
Scheduling tweets here: @ShadowDogDesign
Pinning here: (and to other boards).
Thanks Julie for hosting. My twitter hashtag (NOW) @waterrox (used to be @RTobaison). They dropped that one.
I have tweeted and pinned all through #18.
Boy time flies!!!! Happy rest of the Thanksgiving weekend.
Time is flying by.
Pinning to and will tweet @lindab142
Thank you, Julie and Harry. Hard to believe there is only one more week left after this one!
Scheduling tweets here: @ShadowDogDesign
Pinning here: (and to other boards).
Also shared this weeks’ Countdown on my blog:
Treats to Handsome Harry from the Yodeling Moose Dog.