Volume 21 Issue 4, April 2024
What's New in April
Spring is here, including high winds, cold fronts, flowers, and mosquitoes. All are sure signs that spring is on its way. The birds are in the feeder and the squirrels are in abundance, and new monarchs are starting to take flight from being in their chrysalis for a week or so.
With the change in the seasons and the new flowers, my product line has turned to gardening and garden flags. I have discovered that I love to create these garden flags in all colors for all occasions. I wish I had enough time to just sit and design, but other projects have priority. I am still trying to clean up my office and move out all of my clay and jewelry equipment and supplies. I have made a dent in it, but my gosh I have a bead hoarding problem. I am now selling them by the pound. Crazy. I still want to look at them and touch them and maybe make something with them, but future me says “put them in the box and sell them.”
Mother’s Day is right around the corner and the Mother’s Day Countdown is in full swing as we head into our 5th week starting in April. Stop by and check out the great handmade gift ideas we have for you this year.
In the meantime, enjoy one of our resident hawks.

What’s New
Gifts for Gardeners: Went a little crazy with color! I designed a number of wildly colored front license plates and garden flags. For some reason, I am on a gnome kick. Don’t know if that will end or not.
Gifts for Grandmas: Personalized kitchen wall art has been on my list of things to do this month. I am having a blast making wall art using a riot of colors. I haven’t settled on a specific topic but have experimented in coffee, baking, and hippy Grandmas.
Until next month,
Things to Look Forward To:
New Products:
Beach Life: Deck the halls of your beach house with colorful, fun designs for every room in your beach home. I know Florida life, and it’s colorful.
Gifts for Gearheads: I started here, but fell off as I worked on building The Hairy Dog Store, so we’ll get back here since Father’s Day is coming.
Gifts for Yoga Lovers: For those who can stretch without kinking up every muscle in your body, these gift ideas are for you and your lifestyle.
Dog lovers! Please visit The Hairy Dog Store for your Dog Wall Art.
You'll find wall art ready for you to personalize like these: