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10 History of Yoga Trivia Questions and Answers

Can you answer these history of yoga trivia questions? Test your yoga knowledge with this fairly easy quiz.


10 History of Yoga Trivia Questions 

1. Question: What is the ancient Indian text that is considered one of the foundational scriptures of classical yoga?

2. Question: Which ancient civilization is believed to have practiced yoga over 5,000 years ago?

3. Question: What is the name of the philosophical school of Hinduism that is closely associated with the practice of yoga?

4. Question: Who is often referred to as the father of modern yoga?

5. Question: What is the name of the yoga practice that focuses on physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to bring harmony to the body and mind?

6. Question: In which century did yoga first become popular in the Western world?

7. Question: Which Hindu deity is often depicted as the lord of yoga and meditation?

8. Question: What is the term for the series of physical postures or poses commonly practiced in yoga?

9. Question: Which influential yoga teacher is known for popularizing Ashtanga Yoga in the 20th century?

10. Question: What is the name of the ancient Indian practice that includes ethical disciplines, physical postures, breathing control, and meditation, and is often considered the eight-limbed path of yoga?

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10 History of Yoga Trivia Questions and Answers 

1. Question: What is the ancient Indian text that is considered one of the foundational scriptures of classical yoga?
Answer: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

2. Question: Which ancient civilization is believed to have practiced yoga over 5,000 years ago?
Answer: The Indus Valley Civilization.

3. Question: What is the name of the philosophical school of Hinduism that is closely associated with the practice of yoga?
Answer: The Samkhya school.

4. Question: Who is often referred to as the father of modern yoga?
Answer: Tirumalai Krishnamacharya.

5. Question: What is the name of the yoga practice that focuses on physical postures, breathing exercises, and meditation to bring harmony to the body and mind?
Answer: Hatha Yoga.

6. Question: In which century did yoga first become popular in the Western world?
Answer: The 20th century.

7. Question: Which Hindu deity is often depicted as the lord of yoga and meditation?
Answer: Lord Shiva.

8. Question: What is the term for the series of physical postures or poses commonly practiced in yoga?
Answer: Asanas.

9. Question: Which influential yoga teacher is known for popularizing Ashtanga Yoga in the 20th century?
Answer: K. Pattabhi Jois.

10. Question: What is the name of the ancient Indian practice that includes ethical disciplines, physical postures, breathing control, and meditation, and is often considered the eight-limbed path of yoga?
Answer: Ashtanga Yoga.

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