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Yoga Poses Trivia Questions

Yoga Poses (Asanas) Trivia Questions 

How many of these yoga poses trivia questions can you answer? Test your yoga knowledge now.

  1. Question: What is the Sanskrit name for the Downward-Facing Dog pose?

  2. Question: Which yoga pose, known as Vrikshasana in Sanskrit, is designed to improve balance and focus?

  3. Question: What is the primary physical benefit of the Warrior II pose, or Virabhadrasana II?

  4. Question: Balasana, often used as a resting pose, is more commonly referred to as what?

  5. Question: Which yoga pose, known in Sanskrit as Tadasana, is considered the foundational standing pose?

  6. Question: The Sanskrit name for Cobra Pose, which strengthens the spine and opens the chest, is what?

  7. Question: Which pose, called Shavasana in Sanskrit, is typically practiced at the end of a yoga session to promote relaxation and mindfulness?

  8. Question: What mental benefit is commonly associated with practicing Warrior I pose (Virabhadrasana I)?

  9. Question: Utkatasana, which translates to "Chair Pose," primarily strengthens which part of the body?

  10. Question: Which pose, known as Trikonasana in Sanskrit, stretches the sides of the torso and improves flexibility in the hips?

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Yoga Poses (Asanas) Trivia Questions and Answers

  1. Question: What is the Sanskrit name for the Downward-Facing Dog pose?
    Answer: Adho Mukha Svanasana.

  2. Question: Which yoga pose, known as Vrikshasana in Sanskrit, is designed to improve balance and focus?
    Answer: Tree Pose.

  3. Question: What is the primary physical benefit of the Warrior II pose, or Virabhadrasana II?
    Answer: It strengthens the legs, glutes, and shoulders while improving stamina and stability.

  4. Question: Balasana, often used as a resting pose, is more commonly referred to as what?
    Answer: Child’s Pose.

  5. Question: Which yoga pose, known in Sanskrit as Tadasana, is considered the foundational standing pose?
    Answer: Mountain Pose.

  6. Question: The Sanskrit name for Cobra Pose, which strengthens the spine and opens the chest, is what?
    Answer: Bhujangasana.

  7. Question: Which pose, called Shavasana in Sanskrit, is typically practiced at the end of a yoga session to promote relaxation and mindfulness?
    Answer: Corpse Pose.

  8. Question: What mental benefit is commonly associated with practicing Warrior I pose (Virabhadrasana I)?
    Answer: It builds confidence and focus.

  9. Question: Utkatasana, which translates to "Chair Pose," primarily strengthens which part of the body?
    Answer: The thighs and glutes.

  10. Question: Which pose, known as Trikonasana in Sanskrit, stretches the sides of the torso and improves flexibility in the hips?
    Answer: Triangle Pose.

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