Volume 16 Issue 2, February 2019
What's New in February?
As the winter gives way to the spring, I am looking at the pouring rain and the grey skies in what is usually a sunny and lush front yard. It is hard to believe that winter for us has already passed and the robins are busy trying to gorge themselves on as many berries from the Brazilian pepper trees that they can. Of course, that helps spread these noxious weed/trees. The robins crowded into my bird bath for a drink the other day.
The sandhill cranes are in their finest as they woo their mates, and their shrill call breaks the silence regularly as they prepare for their next trek north.
We have had a rather cold winter with a lot of nights where the temperatures dipped into the 40s as opposed to the more mild 50s. We are still above average when it comes to temperatures. All in all, it has passed quickly and our northern friends are all happy they are here rather than snowed in in the Northeast.
Here are some of our finest feathered friends putting on a show. She seems rather indifferent to his antics.
What’s New
Key rings: I am taking the key rings one step further and creating purse charms and rings. With lots of beads and things. Have them started, but nothing to show yet. Soon ...
Earrings: I have been busy creating a lot of simple earrings that have some sparkle and make statements. Primarily, I have been focused on charms and crystals for the moment.
Thimbles: 2019 Mother’s Day and a number of puppy and cat thimbles are now up for sale.
You will find all of my beads, canes and finished jewelry on my website. www.bluemorningexpressions.com
Until next month,
Things to Look Forward To:
New Products:
Leggings: My supplier has added a great legging line, so I have been experimenting with design and element placement. I have several in my store now and am working on peacock leggings designs.
Posters: Many of my bible verse posters are now available online, but I am still writing up the descriptions, so they may be hard to find. I also had time to add a dozen or so hot rod posters.
Bookmarks: I decided that some of my beads and images would translate nicely to bookmarks. Those are on the bench.