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Countdown to Christmas 2024 Week 3

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  • Hema Rao on

    Tweeted @hvaradhan pinned to Christmas and holiday winter shopping board and FBed at Beadednecklaceshoppe.
    thanks for hosting and allowing me to participate

  • Natalie on

    Thank you so much for another week of Countdown to Christmas, Julie! Wishing all a great weekend.

  • Catherine on

    Thanks so much, Julie and Harry, for hosting Week 3 of the Countdown!

    Pinning here (and to other boards):

    Scheduling tweets here: @ShadowDogDesign

    Also shared this weekend’s blog to my own blog for extra back links for all – comments welcome:

  • Hema Rao on

    Thanks for hosting this thread. Will promote.

  • watercolorsnmore on

    Thanks for hosting week 3. Will promote all as usual.
    Pinterest: ArtNmore

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