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Tutorials — handmade polymer clay beads

It’s the Little Things

finishing findings finishing tools handmade polymer clay beads jewelry finishing Julie and Blu

It’s the Little Things

Friday, February 21, 2014 It’s the Little Things When you first learn to create jewelry, you may only have a limited supply of beading and finishing materials, but as you get more proficient in your beading experience, you begin to look at the other things that you can add to professionally finish your jewelry. When you first begin, just finishing a necklace or a bracelet with a clasp and a crimp bead may be just swell. It holds and does the job you intended it to do. This perfect example of exposed crimp beads and bad clasps shows how although...

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It's Always Springtime on My Workbench

blue morning expressions bluemorningexpressions flower arrangements flower beads handmade polymer clay beads Julie and Blu

It's Always Springtime on My Workbench

Wednesday, June 4, 2014 It's Always Springtime on My Workbench By: Julie L. Cleveland Spring brings us all those wonderfully, colorful flowers that we see in backyards, meadows and at the local grocery store. Whether they are baskets of blooms for the front porch or a bouquet of flowers for the kitchen table, the colorful buds brighten up even the darkest, rain-filled afternoon. My polymer art consists of a multitudes of flowers that I create and use within my bead making or my finished fashion jewelry. This is an example of my flower canes on my handmade beads. The use...

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