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15 Muscle Car Trivia Questions and Answers

15 Muscle Car Trivia Questions and Answers

How much do you know about muscle cars? Start your engines and answer these 15 muscle car trivia questions. 15 Muscle Car Trivia Questions  1. What year did the Pontiac GTO, often considered the first true muscle car, debut?2. Which muscle car was famously known as "The Boss"?3. What engine size is associated with the term "Big Block" in the context of muscle cars?4. Which muscle car model did Chevrolet introduce in 1967 to compete with the Ford Mustang?5. What is the signature feature of the Plymouth Road Runner that distinguishes it from other muscle cars?6. Which 1960s muscle car...

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15 Indoor Plant Care Questions and Answers

15 Indoor Plant Care Questions and Answers

How much do you know about indoor plant care? Can you answer these indoor plant care  questions? Quiz your friends.  15 Indoor Plant Care Questions  1. Question: What is the primary purpose of light for indoor plants?2. Question: Which direction should you rotate indoor plants regularly to ensure even growth?3. Question: What is the general rule of thumb for watering indoor plants?4. Question: Overwatering can lead to which common problem in indoor plants?5. Question: How can you prevent overwatering indoor plants?6. Question: What are some signs that an indoor plant may be suffering from inadequate light?7. Question: What is the...

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15 Furniture Design Trivia Questions and Answers

15 Furniture Design Trivia Questions and Answers

How much do you know about furniture design? Can you answer these furniture design trivia questions? Test your furniture knowledge and quiz your friends. 15 Furniture Design Trivia Questions  1. Question: What furniture style emerged in the late 17th century characterized by elaborate ornamentation and curved forms?2. Question: Which famous furniture designer is known for his Rococo style, featuring asymmetrical designs, delicate curves, and ornate detailing?3. Question: In which era did the Neoclassical style of furniture become prominent, drawing inspiration from ancient Greek and Roman designs?4. Question: What is the name of the French furniture style characterized by lightness, elegance,...

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Cherry Blossoms and Garden Flags

Cherry Blossoms and Garden Flags

Check out the cherry blossoms in Washington D.C. and enjoy some of the new garden art coming to Blue Morning Expressions soon. Read more here.

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Hawks and Garden Flags

Hawks and Garden Flags

Spring is in the air and in the flower garden. Lots of new designs in the works. Check out my resident hawk who sits around and waits for something to happen. Don't miss the Mother's Day Countdown with so many handmade items to choose from. Read more here.

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